Love Poems
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All that glitters

Don't shed a tear,
For a man that doesn't care,
Don't waste that jewel,
For a man that doesnt value you,
Don't break your heart,
For his golden smile,
Which was not true.

He may be tall,
With eyes so blue,
But he did not love you,
So why shed your tears,
For this man who torments you,
Don't break your heart,
For your love he did not deserve.

Why do you cry,
For a man who did lie,
Don't waste your precious time,
On someone who crippled you inside,
Why feel the pain so deep,
For a man so shallow as he,
Just let your soul be.

Don't weep for someone
Who your love did not behold,
someone whose beauty was only skin deep,
Don't hurt for all those words,
That were in vain,
They say all that glitters,
Is not gold,
Surely now you know why you were told.

But shed a tear,
For a man who you lose,
That was so good and true,
Who demanded nothing of you,
Not even a kiss or a smile
A man that was a true jewel,
You did not see his love for you.

Weep for a man,
who was so wise and walked beside you,
As your friend so true,
His inner beauty you did not see,
Until your soul from pain was free,
Why did you not give him your love,
For his loss your heart should break,
But you did not know, Until it was too late.

The Lost Jewel

The Jewel he found
It shone and shimmered,
The Jewel he found
It glimmered and gleamed,
He would have it forever it seemed

The Jewel he found,
He lost it one day,
Because he threw it away,
That dazzling Jewel
That glimmered and gleamed

When he sat in his chair
Later that year,
All cold and alone,
He thought of that jewel that he found,
That Jewel that sparkled and shimmered,
Glimmered and gleamed,
That Jewel that was his no more
It seemed!


(published in "Memories Revisted")

Please Don't Tell Me

Don't tell me that you won't hurt me,
Don't tell me you'll always care,

Please don't tell me you will be mine for eternity,
Because you know that isnt a certainty.

Don't tell me that you love me
Don't tell me that you swear,
Don't tell me you'll always have me and hold me.
Because to hope I do not dare.

Don't tell me that you won't hurt me,
Don't tell me that you'll always care,

Because tomorrow I know you'll desert me
And leave me alone again with my fear.

Be Silent!
Be Silent

Be silent,
Be quiet,
Don't cry,
Don't weep!

Be silent,
Don't wail,
Don't beg,
Don't try and keep!

Muffle that sound,
Don't show me your tears,
Don't make it more difficult for Me,
To leave!


In My dream
In my dream.....

You held my hand and looked into my eyes,
And I looked at you,
And I knew,
You placed your cheek on mine,
I felt the warmth rush to my heart,
And I knew
All around us was light,
And I knew
I awoke to the darkness around,
And I knew

I knew that my soul was with you!

Poisoned Words
I'll hold you forever and a day
were the words he'd say,
With each day,each week his words became stronger,
And made my love blossom like a rose,
Those words they made me believe in this true love.

I never want to see hurt in your eyes my love ,
He'd whisper with each beat,
Noway in a million years will I cause you pain,
I'll protect you and care for you with every every
passing breath.

But my time ran out and his love died,
And he never saw the hurt in my eyes,
He never saw those tears,
As I curled up on the floor deep in my pain,
Left alone and betrayed.

I saw his character in a different way,
As he asked in a formal way,"How are you?"
He did not reply anymore to my "I love you,"
Just saying "yes you too."

Where had those words gone?
The words he would hold his life to,
"We'll grow old together, soulmates for forever."

He showed me his shallow side as he ignored
my tears and pain,
The memory of those words made it deeper,
Never do I want to see hurt in your eyes,
In his soft tender voice he would cry,
And he never did see my distress,
As I held on to dear life,
He never saw the confusion in my heart.

What were those words he once said?
All I remember now is the hurt of his betrayal,
And those poisoned words,
AS he moved to another,
And used those words on the other.

But maybe it's better I know now,
That his words weren't true,
After all if they were,
He would be here right now to say,
"yes darling, I do!"


Wasted Time
Have you really got so much time to waste,
After all it was you who set me free in such haste,
Then you had no time to listen to my point of veiw,
Even though you were the one who decided it was me you'd persue,
You made up your mind that I wasn't for you,
So why are your here,What do you want?
If you'd truely loved me like the way you meant,
You'd have forgiven any bad signals I sent,
You'd have given me a chance to show you what i feel,
In order to make you the treasure in my life,
And be that loving wife,
But you chose a quick fix because you say you had no more time to share,
So why have you now so much time to spare?

When Will It All End.......
When will my pain go away?
Why does it linger on in this way?
So many tears I've cried,so much hurt I've survived,
Sometimes I just want to runaway and hide,
A broken heart,they say it won't last,
But the hurt brings back memories of the past.

I close my eyes and once more Im a child,
The slash of a belt the skin so blue,
My tears of pain, jostled through the room,
The torment,like a sharp knife,
Made me want to take my life,
As I felt the haze,
The call of the heavenly light,

In childhood You made me submit,
When I should have played and skipped,
My tears would stream and roll,
But in silence to school I'd stroll,
My friends you'd send away incase I got out of control,
I had no life,
So at 16 no longer was I a daughter but someones wife,
You didnt teach me to defend myself and fight,
The skills I needed for adult life.

In this cruel world I did not know how to survive,
For so many years I felt alone as if someone had taken away my life,
No one to listen to my plight, as now I was far away out of your sight,
The buzz of the sewing machine,crying babies at just seventeen,
No honeymoon, no flowers, no love,
Just the sharpness of the new mum's tongue,
For things she felt I'd done wrong.

I struggled,I had to fight,
I started to dream of a new flight,
My self esteem grew when new friends gave me a chance,
In their company, now I could laugh and dance,
The smiling faces, for once I belonged.

When a new life beckoned,I decided to be brave,
And fight for the love which I so craved,
Suddenly there were smiles, roses and perfume,
But that too was blown away,
Shattered into pieces in a horrific way,
Now once more I have had to submit,
My self esteem gone, all love,all hope.

Inside that child so afraid and alone,
As now the dreams have all gone,
The world so cold, No colour, No joy,
Thrown away like a broken toy,
That should have stayed well out of sight,
And given up before the fight.

So now with life's torment in my heart,
Thoughts of the past urge me to depart,
I lay and see that spiralling incadesent haze,
Beckoning me to be led away into that heavenly place,
Where,just maybe in the lords arms.......I'll feel safe.


You Changed My Life

Before I met You......
With my children I'd sing laugh n play,
Read books, tell jokes, tickle toes and laugh all day,
The world looked bright,
Even though true love was out of sight,
With my daughter I'd shop,
And in the Park with my son I'd hop,
Life was as good as it could be,
Even though love is what I did not see.

When I met you......
You filled my nights with your warm voice,
Smiles, huggs, kisses and joy,
You showered me with your gleaming love,
Golden, silver, filled with lifes sparkling gust,
For once I looked up at the moon and stars til late,
And thanked God for You, my soulmate,
Now I felt whole and content,
Surely, this was truely meant.

When you left......
I never knew such tormenting loneliness,
Tears took the place of smiles n laughter,
The joy in my eyes now gone away,
replaced with an empty hollow gaze,
For the first time I truely felt lifes despair,
The long dark nights took me to lifes rocky hilt,
I hid tightly beneath my quilt,
With a despondent,dead feeling inside,filled with fear,
I tried to sit up and take notice of the World,
But instead in the dark I'd rather curl,
Panic attacks as I awake,
Knowing that Life will never be the same,
Without You my Soulmate!


The Price of love (version 1)
What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a song?
If the price of love is a song,
I'll sing it all life long,
Is the price of your love a song?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a poem?
If the price of love is a poem,
I'll sit and write until a poet I become,
Is the price of your love a poem?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a kiss?
If the price of love is a kiss,
We'll live in eternal bliss,
Is the price of your love a kiss?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a loving embrace?
If the price of love is a loving embrace,
I'll hold you forever and let everything fall into place,
Is a loving embrace the price of your love?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a broken heart?
If the price of love is a broken heart,
I'll look at the shattered pieces and wish we were never blown apart,
Is my broken heart the price of your love?

What WAS the price of your love?
Was the price of your love my life?
If the price of your love was my life,
I took it and tore it apart,
That was the price of your love!
