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Child Of The Future
Dear child of the future...

When you look back into history,
And turn the pages of time,
Think of me, Ravina Ryder,
You may find my picture in a frame,
Or see my name carved on a stone,
You may even read these my words,
And remember me, someone from the 21st centuary.

You don't have to remember me as the lady in red,
Or the lady nursing back life,
or as someone great from the past,
Just remember me as I once was,
On this Earth I roamed
I laughed and I cried
I've been someones lover,someones mistress,
Someones wife,
I made love and gave birth to new life.

In this, my short space in time,
The first shuttle orbitted the moon,
As my first child took his first steps,
In my living room,
I witnessed the beauty of the red sands on mars,
beamed back to our screens,
Visions of new planets beyond my dreams,
Halleys comet showered the sky,
As my sewing machine hummed its own tune
And a total eclipse of the heart and moon.

As a teacher from your past,
I may have taught people from your grandparents time,
to read and write,And I sadly watched on
As the keyboard began to replace the pen,
And children's play turned to computer games,
A mobile in each hand,
I saw their lives change,
But one thing I am sure I told them
Is to stand up for whats right
My small contribution to their life.

Time changed quickly,
And In horror, I watched the Twin Towers fall,
As my life crumbled to the floor,
And we all fought a fruitless war,
While the homeless lay in the streets,
I walked on by,attracted by the glitter of christmas lights,
While the poor and innocent lost their lives,
All symptoms of our greed, hunger and pride.

Sometimes I was weak,
Sometimes strong,I broke the chains
that held back my life
only to find I was a prisoner of time
I gave my heart to those I trusted
Only to find it shattered and in pieces,
Will you learn from my mistakes?
I never did.

Ravina Ryder (2.12.02)

Prisoner Of Love
A prisoner of your love

You have a hold over me
and I dont wish to be free
ghosts from the past
hypnotic power that will always last
I feel our souls dance
In a magical trance
Im just a prisoner of your love

Everywhere I go
Your distant shadow beakons me,
I hear you call my name
Ruby you whisper again
Your footprints in the snow,
holding on to my soul and not letting me go
My heart in chains
Please don't set me free
Just a prisoner of your love

Sunshine up above,
The smell of red roses around,
sipping sweet champagne,
A soft breeze on my cheek,
A strangers kiss to keep,
But my soul does weep,
And Its you that I see,
Cause Im a prisoner of your love.

In my dreams you smile,
And dont allow me to leave,
Thats where we now meet,
Silver doves in the sky,
Thats where we now fly,
Our soft bed on the clouds,
I hear your heart beat,
As raindrops do fall to my feet,
A prisoner of your love.

Time to awake
Darkness dawns from above
The door closes, a key turns the lock
Silence awaits,
As I find myself alone again
A prisoner in the dark,
Waiting for you to set me free
And walk by your side in eternity.

  Nothing Lasts Forever
Nothing Lasts

They say that nothing lasts forever,
Hearts fail and galaxies fold,
So how do I feel about you today?
Surely my souls pain has gone away
But Love leads logic astray.

When I hear your name,
I feel it all over again,
A shooting star through my heart,
Rushes to the centre of my pain,
Then in my dreams you still remain.

We pour our love,
On those that least love it,
Some take,Some get took,
Well I know my heart was painfully shook,
Destined to end this way right from the start.

Love, lived and lost
Stop, pause and start,
Will my heart take this strain,
From the pain I wish to restrain,
A mere mortal affair of the heart.

I conceal it within,
As the sun smiles a new day in,
Some say it won't last,
Some say its here to stay,
Just learn to live with it day by day.

Is it really meant to be this way?
Lovers love blown away,
Nothing lasts forever,
flowers fade and stars explode,
I wish and pray to my lord,
Please don't let it end this way.


Cruel Man
Your the cruelest man I ever did know,
Not only did u decide to leave and go'
But also make a hurtful show
Of my love for you,
I know now you were not true
Just the cruelest man I know.

Now I know how cruelty begins
From a mere mortal man,
First it starts with love in your hand,
The hand that then in your heart
With a dagger does land,
Now I know you are a cruel man.

In self pity you weep and wollow,
But your soul is so thin and shallow,
You don't feel anothers pain,h
You laugh as you add salt to their wound,
Like the hound to the rabbit
You are the cruelest man I know.

You flaunt your new love again,
So that you can watch the old leap in pain,
Thrills spark inside you
To know you are still in control,
But let me tell you now
No, not now,Not anymore,
Will I suffer from your inflicted pain.

Ravina 12.10.02

My Wish For You

I hope n pray that one day,
You feel the pain I felt
When you went away,

I hope you cry the tears that I shed
I hope you lay curled up on the floor
And feel the hurt from a love before.

I hope and pray that someone makes you whole,
Then in a sweep destroys your soul,
And when you call her name,
You feel the agony and yell in pain,
I hope she promises you undying love
Then leaves you like a wounded dove.

I hope n pray that the day does come,
When your heart bleeds with open scars,
And she'll not wait to help your pain,
Or take away your broken strain
And you'll look to the stars at night,
And think to yourself, I thought our love was right.

I hope n pray that one day,
Your life is left in pain and strife,
And that you have beside you an unfaithful wife,
Who will torment your very life,
Remembering her words of an eternal flame,
Now theres only you yourself to blame.

Maybe then you'll Know the pain,
Love washed away in the stormy rain,
Betrayal in unrelenting hate,
From someone who once claimed to be your mate,
I hope that on that day you understand,
How you tore apart my life!


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One Night Stand
One Night Stand

I saw you across the room.
Was it to be a night of love and passion
in full bloom?
A chance meeting in the devils delight.
Sipping the tonic to send sparks into the night,
Feelings of a mutual fire,
Strangers caught in a heated, burning desire,

Bodies flickering in the moonlit dance,
Swaying to the music of the burnt soul,
A hypnotic ecstatical trance,
Burning desire,flames in your eyes,
Chemicals diffuse as our lips meet
Sending electricity through the skies.

Ecstasy in an erotic embrace,
Shadows dancing amongst the incadesent haze,
The demon within is unleashed,
Sending us into a passionate daze,
The sweat from your face,
Doesnt cool the force of animal rage.

The taste of human emotion,
What can I do?
close my eyes, close my soul,
And feel you light up my desires,
Just keep a hold of the heart,
No Love, no romance?
Where do I go when this night is through?


This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.