Love Poems
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True Love
Love has often been described in oriental religions as harmony even in discord.
True love of another is unconditional, having no "because."
Love embraces such aspects as compassion, service, friendship and cooperation.
Love is not a place you go to--it is a place you come from.(U)S)

  The Love Of My Life
My true love remember this,
When I looked into your sparkling, blue eyes I saw loves light,
When I felt your tender, velvet lips on mine,
The silver rays of the moon shone bright,
And I knew that you were the love of my life,

Your golden, heavenly memory will never fade,
Even though it hurts so much when it does invade,
The times we sat and laughed and cried,
One thing was sure to me inside,
You were the love of my life.

Long before I sat wrapped in your arms,
I did dream of you my knight in white,
That one day you would arrive and sweep me off my feet,
And take away all my lonely nights,
As I knew for sure,
You would be the love of my life.

I remember the times you'd hold me tight,
You'd look my way and give me that smile of delight,
I'd feel your soft,warm cheek on mine,
And you'd whisper I love you my wife,
Be mine my darling for life.

You turned this my life into a deep,red rose garden,
And showered me with your magical love,
You made me feel free like a dazzling,white dove,
Content and whole in this sweet love song,
Even though we needed to be so strong,
You were the love of my life.

Differences we did hide as we sang this tantalizing song,
But maybe we were so very wrong,
If we had been the same we would now be one,
But for all its worth my love,
I did try to escape and become that free dove,
To be in your arms and to grow old together,
Then perhaps instead of you being the love of my life,
In this enchanted way,
You'd be my love for eternity and a day.

Today I pray that one day we do meet again,
And I get one more chance to feel your tender embrace,
When that happens my love,
I'll not let you down again,
Next time I'll prove to you,
That not only are you the love of my life,
But I am the love of your life too.


Painting by Evelyn De Morgan (British, 1850-1919) Luna

Looking For Love

Cotton candy clouds
Drifting across the pale blue sky
Wild summer flowers,
Lighting up emerald hills,
Butterflies flutter
Bees make their honey,
As I look down below
The warm breeze whispering in my ears
As it tugs my hair, I close my eyes,
And I know now it is you that I must seek.

My feet pressing over the crisp golden ground
The copper coloured leaves forming earth's blanket,
Across the sky, birds begin to migrate,
Children collect mahogany conkers
Berries and rosehips still grow
While hedgehogs begin their sleep
Spiders spin their webs as winter calls
But I, in every shimmering dew drop
Behind every door and through every crystal glass
Seek you my true love,

I watch the hands of time pass by
As the snow begins to fall
And the bitter chill in the air
Makes the world look for warmth
Robins sing alone their sweet song
Frosty ice now covers the world
But still I look into every glistening eye
Kiss many tender lips
Smell every passing scent
But it does not lead me to you.

The cool air chills my soul
But still my heart beckons you,
When will my spring come?
And my love be reborn?
Till then I search for you my love,
As lambs grow and eggs hatch,
I will not give up until my seasons are done,
Who you are I do not know
But when I find you, My heart will know.

Ravina Ryder
  Swan's Last Song
Two soft Pearls gliding on ripples of aquamarine,
Golden, bright beams caress this majestical scene,
A glistening white reflection,
From afar to be seen.

A song and dance in tune to this enchanted story,
As they both bow entranced in each others dazzling glory,
A soulful sound whistling around this shimmering lake,
All natures precious riches for them to take,
Time stops still as they linger and wait
in each others hypnotic grace,
A loving touch as they embrace.

The icy snow flakes begin to fall,
Life becomes still as winter calls,
The frozen lake sharp like broken glass,
Begins to shatter this the lovers trance,
The chill in the air sharpens the North winds dance,
The bitter struggle for the two to survive,
Gently but slowly puts the Ivory Prince to sleep,
Now its the turn of the Silver princess to weep.

She now sings alone her last song,
As she floats in the middle of the glittering blue lake,
She seeks her lost love in the sound of every passing wave,
But he is now gone,
Dancing in another heavenly place,
So she closes her eyes and lays down to rest in her sweet dream,
To find herself in a place full of golden rays and sunshine beams,
Where they once more bow in each others grace,
Dance and sing and forever embrace.

The translucent lake now stands still,
In mourning for the beauty it lost in the winter chill,
And that enchanted song,
Which now seems so long gone.

The snow droplets melt and drip their last tears,
As sun beams gently light up the magical pond,
An awakening of new life sends flashing colours through the air,
The lake fills again with jewels of the earth,
As tiny pearl drop signets emerge,
Their offspring forming new ripples,
In memory that once a dazzling white,
majestical song had been sung.


by Steven Pearson
  Price Of Love (version 2)
What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a song?
If the price of love is a song,
I'll sing it all life long,
Is the price of your love a song?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a poem?
If the price of love is a poem,
I'll sit and write until a poet I become,
Is the price of your love a poem?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love a kiss?
If the price of love is a kiss,
We'll live in eternal bliss,
Is the price of your love a kiss?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love my heart?
If the price of love is my heart,
It'll call for you whenever we're apart,
Is the price of your love my heart?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love my life?
If the price of love is my life,
I'll gladly be your wife,
Is the price of your love my life?

What is the price of love?
Is the price of love my soul?
If the price of love is my soul,
Together in heaven we will stroll,
That will be the price of OUR love:)


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