Rainbow Poems
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Rainbow bridge is based on a budist precept on how to live life.Each colour representing one of lifes values.

Can you spot the rainbow in this picture?

Rainbow Bridge
Picture this,
I stood gasping on the bank of a turbulent river,
Wide and whirling,
Crashing and curling,
The deafening noise,
Sending a shiver down my spine,
My eyes filled with gushing raindrops,
My soul stood silent in this upheaval.

I had to cross this raging force,
But how would I survive this hungry beast,
As the fierce showers sprayed my face,
I prayed for the strength and power to cross this my path,
To arrive in peace and harmony,
Full of love in my heart.

The mist turned calm, a glare of sunshine in the distance,
And there beckoning over this restless river,
A shimmering rainbow bridge,
dazzling and sparkling,
A bridge of light, a composition of colour,
I began to cross.

My first step, I trod carefully,
Onto a deep rich red , warm and fiery,
Hearts blood and loves red,
friendships entwined without malice.

My confidence grew on my second step,
A warm gold,
Glad, golden and giving,
sunshine in abundance,a ripe harvest
Taking only of which is given freely.

The third step I placed on a peaceful green,
A still green meadow,
Harmonious and healing,
Washing away the pain of the soul.

The forth onto a silver ray,
The sparkling song of truth,
where true speech is silver and silence golden,
The knowlegde that lies take away the shimmer.

Thousands of rainbows blazed,
Full of light and hope,
And this was my bridge of light ,
Onto which I joyfully stepped,
Pure and bright,
And I crossed,
To find that eternal peace called life.

The end


The Great Oak

Here stands before me the great oak tree,
So grand and tall,
magnificent and free,
Adding new colours to the autumn fall,
Where robins nest to compose their morning call,
Its leaves,like hands,
Dancing in the moonlit breeze,
Fireworks in the air, spinning and swirling,
Until the chill of the winter freeze,
Leaves it bare,For all to see.
