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She stands before you Accused,
Accused of a malicious crime against friendship,
A crime without consideration to precious time spent,
A crime resulting in the death,
of the fellowship of humankind.

Who were her accusers?
She does not know,
What was her motive?
She does not know,
What was the evidence?
She does not know,
Where was the judge and jury?
She does not know,
All she knows is the verdict,
All she knows is the sentence, which she must now serve.

A sentence cunningly planned,
by those who were nameless and faceless,
Who lurked in the shadows, hidden,
Too cowardly to emerge.
Their motive, to destroy all hope,
And steal anothers trust,
Enough to make any innocent person want to cut the rope.

But as so many times we are told,
The twists and turns of life,
Will one day make them pay their price,
She'll serve her time of pain and reject,
But their bitterness will never end.

What was her crime?
That has now caused so much pain,
Only now does she understand it so clear and plain,
When accusations were made to her of another,
She did defend,And stay one hundred percent a true friend,
But her crime for them was making you her special, most loving,


The Time Has Come

It's time to move along,
Time to forget,
All the pain and regret,
It's time to move along,
And begin to sing a new song.

It's time to open up the windows,
Free the ghosts and demons of the past,
And let in golden dust and the heavens gust,
Hum a new tune,
And move away from the hurt at last.

It's time to let go,
Time to put away all the pain and sweat,
And heal the scars of regret,
It's time to open new doors,
Forget all past loves and wars.

I'ts time to clear the air,
To dance in new places,
Meet new people and sing new songs,
A breath of fresh cool air,
New life beckons for us to move there.

I'ts time to free my soul,
From all its pain and Woe,
I'ts time to listen to the birds and the bees,
And smell new honeysuckle leaves,
Yes i'ts time to live once more.

I'ts time to let the moonlight in,
Make new wishes on shooting stars in the midnight sky,
I'ts time to dream once again,
Time to reach for the snowy clouds,
I'ts time to love life once again.

I'ts time to fill the cup with laughter and joy,
Bring in hope sewn with silver sequined stones,
No more time to hide away,
And be punished by the ghosts of the past,
Its time to smile again at last.

It's time to stand wide in green fields,
Pick buttercups and daisies,
And dream of lifes love once again,
It's time to listen to soft music,
And smile as lovers pass.

I'ts time to move along,
Time to sip the sweet champagne of life,
Time to take new chances,
And time once again,
To pray n hope that I do not find myself,
Here again in the Dark.

Worlds Love Rap
Now all you guys gather round,
And listen to the sound of the Worlds love Rap,
Click your fingers to the beat,
As you sway to the sound of the Worlds Love Rap,

Everyones rapping round the World to the rhythum of the love rap beat,
They're rapping on the beach, Britneys World,titanic, hang and avs gallery,
They're swinging to the sound of the Worlds love Rap.

Now listen up cause its time to meet the gorgeos babes of the World's love rap,
They're so hip , they're so cool, rip rapping to the Worlds love beat,
Britney, Madonnna, Cher they just cant compete
With the Gals of the Worlds love Rap.

Lets click our fingers for cloud10,
Shes a gal in search of love n romance
You'll find her tip, tapping to the rhythm of the Worlds love rap dance.

Xesadora shes a gal whose got the beat,
Shes found her love in a man who needs the heat,
So she'll keep singing the love rap beat.

BettyBoo shes in love Too,
Shes so Happy wandering in beat to the Worlds love Rap,
So lets sway to the Beat For Betty Boo.

Now theres Little_Mousy shes so cute, she so sweet,
For love her little heart does beat,
So she clicks her fingers to join the Worlds love Rap heat.

Loves Spirit,she one heavenly gal,
Dancing in the clouds with her best love pal,
They've both caught each others heat,clicking their fingers to loves poetic beat.

Now Angel Eyes, shes another cool babe,
Whose found her love twin in her soulmate,
So now she dances to the heat of her own Worlds love Rap beat.

Baxter girl, she stays cool,shes no fool,
She'll listen to the beat of the worlds love Rap,
If your in need shes the one to see,click your fingers to her beat.

MistyBlue shes danced to the beat of the Worlds love Rap,
Now shes Dreamin of a Wedding Rap,
So she can tap up the aisle to her eternal Worlds love Rap.

Now what about you,Are you rapping too?
So join this dance,
And listen to the beat of the Worlds love rap,
Click your fingers to the rythum
Of this hip hop,tip tap, rapping WORLDS LOVE RAP!


A loving Friend
This friend of mine who enters my dreams,
He's caring and gentle, patient, loving and kind,
If I had met him when my heart was full of hope and incline,
We'd be lovers till the end of time.

Each night he whispers in my ears "Smile hunny, You'll be alright,"
His soft words swirl in my heart,
But I remind myself to listen to my heart could end up being so unkind.

If only life was so clear and neat,
That I could feel a tender kiss from my sweet,
He listens, he waits,
Hoping that one day we'll meet,
I so want to promise him the earth,
But I know my life won't allow this to be a love a new,
But I feel for him so, as my friend for all it's worth.

His friendship I hold dear,
But feelings of love we both fear,
As the pain from the past makes us so confused and unsure,
But these feelings of mine for him are so pure,
Like uncut diamonds ready to shine for eternity,
But who knows what life holds as a certainity.

For I know the twists and turns that placed me in his life,
Are the very things that make me hold my breath
And stop myself fulfilling this one wish,
When he asks me "How are you?"I know he is in pain,
As I only respond to his words of friendship and restrain.

I close my eyes at night,
With his picture in my sight,
His eyes I see, so pure of intention,
But after so much pain,
I'm left in this daze of confusion,
As to whether love is just another pure illusion.

My friend he's a man worth his weight in gold,
Any woman would love to treasure and hold,
But those powers of nature which forced our paths to cross,
Won't allow us to stop on this road,
As the call of destiny calls us to follow our own paths,
Leaving us with a yearning in our souls,
That perhaps long a go we just could have made it be!
